Forex Income Domination Strategies

Saturday 30 June 2012

In Trading Markets You Should Know You're Posting Money

Currency trading interacting interacting communicating interacting communicating forex interacting interacting communicating interacting communicating is all about developing big money. Some investors have discovered it quite easy to make a large sum of money as forex interacting changes daily. Currency trading interacting interacting communicating interacting communicating, is market. Off-line and online you can find resources to forex interacting as FX as well. Currency trading happens through a forex broker or a financial institution often where you are able to buy other types of stocks, connections and cost-effective cost-effective cost-effective reasonable financial commitment techniques.

When you are considering getting involved in the forex trading markets you should know you are posting money to be invested with other nations. Related Coverage Esources Complaint Posts-What You Should Know is the largest and the most popular UK e-commerce portal that provides a range of resources to help traders in their online selling businesses. Should You Trade Naked? When i first started out and was exposed to the world of trading in the year 2006, the first most important thing that i was being told repeatedly by experienced traders, was to never trade without a plan. "Trade without one, you are just a naked soldier in the battlefield without your armor". Three tips you should know about Facebook post writing Facebook is fast becoming the place for Internet marketers to try out new strategies Internet Forex Trading – Stuff you should know regarding forex trading? Forex isn’t a term that people hear enough about in the invesment worldThis is done to get prepared up the cost-effective reasonable financial commitment techniques of individuals involved in certain types of properly secured resources, and in the interacting communicating interacting interacting trading markets overseas. The fx market could have your money invested in one market one day, and the next day your money is invested in another country. The daily changes are established by your broker or financial institution. When assessing your claims and learning more about your problem, you can find that every way of forex interacting interacting communicating interacting has three results that will indicate that forex interacting interacting communicating interacting.

For example, the U. s. States money is USD, the Japanese individuals people individuals people individuals yen is JPY, and the British lb sterling will research as GBP. You will also find out out out out out that for every deal on your problem record you will see details that looks like this: JPYzzz/GBPzzz. What what this means is is that you took your Japanese individuals people individuals people individuals yen money and invested it into something in the British lb market. You will see many transactions from one forex interacting interacting communicating interacting to another if you have money that is spread through out the forex interacting interacting communicating interacting forex interacting interacting communicating interacting communicating interacting interacting trading markets.

Forex interacting communicating interacting interacting trading markets interacting by cost-effective cost-effective cost-effective reasonable financial commitment management companies are the companies you can believe in with your money. You want to the that has been getting gold trading interacting interacting communicating interacting communicating since the starting Seventies, and not someone just new on the prevent so you get the most for money. It is important that you be careful of companies that are getting up online, and often periods from worldwide nations that are exposing they can get you involved in the forex interacting interacting communicating interacting forex interacting interacting communicating interacting communicating interacting interacting trading markets and interacting. Look at the circumstances, and know whom you are getting for the best possible protection.

If you want interacting on the fx broker market, you can find concerns for investing are different from organization to organization. Often periods you will understand that you need at least $250 or $500 while other companies will need $1000 or $10,000. The organization you are getting will set concerns in how much you need to begin a problem with their organization. The scammers that are online will tell you, that you only need a $1 or $5 to begin a problem, but you need to find that organization and where they are doing organization before investing any money, this is for your own protection while interacting in forex interacting interacting communicating interacting communicating and interacting communicating interacting interacting trading markets online. source.

Friday 29 June 2012

How To Install Expert Advisor Onto MT4 Forex Trading

MT4 is a standalone installation trading platform for individual Forex trader. Anyone can open a trading account with the Forex broker, download the trading program and install onto the PC. Setup and configure the broker server and login to your trading account to begin trading. One of the key features of this trading platform is programming capabilities, beside able to do charting, store historical price data and execute trades.

Expert Advisor

The core programming language is MQL4 or Metaquotes language 4 is a C program look a like programming language. Its comes with program function structure, variable declaration, operands, conditional checks, calling of technical indicator, time date function, math operations and other features. All files end with MQL format and are editable using the editor that comes with the trading platform. These are commonly call expert advisor and are used to run on MT4 trading account.

Create EA

Before you start, you have to code your trading strategy into programming codes MQL and compile with no error. Or you can purchase third party codes and use it to run on your trading account. You need to decide the time frame and open the currency chart of your choice after you login to your Forex trading account.

How to load EA

First you have to copy the MQL file (Expert Advisor) into your MT4 program folder "experts". Then run MT4 and it will automatically compiled the expert advisor and it will appear in your "navigator windows" under the "expert advisor" directory. Simply select the desire expert advisor and move over to your currency chart. (Click and drag). You will see the name of the expert advisor at the top right hand corner of your currency chart. And look out for a smiling face on the right. If you see a cross then you did not enable EA trading.

Enable Expert Advisor

MT4 comes with an option to disable or enable the expert advisor trading on the top middle panel. Click to disable or enable it. You may have to set some parameters at the "tool" tab into "option" menu and go to "Expert Advisor" tab. You will see a list of tick box to select. In more cases, tick "Enable Expect Advisor", tick "Allow live trading", tick "Allow DLL imports" and tick "Allow external experts imports". And leave the box empty for "Disable experts when account changed", empty for "Disable experts when profile change", empty for "Ask manual confirmation" and empty for "Confirm DLL function calls". With the above set up, you should see a smiling face at the top right corner of your currency chart. You call load as many EA you want. My recommendation is limited 8.

Changes to program

If you need to change the expert advisor due to bug or program update, simply click on the name of the expert advisor, choose modify and it will automatically open the metaeditor for you to make changes. Once all changes done, simply compiled the program and it will automatically update the copies that is attached to run on your currency chart. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Interest Rate and Forex Trading

Let’s start by talking about borrowing money from the bank. You went to a local bank A and borrow $100 in your country currency as say its United State Dollars. This bank A charge you 5% interest yearly. Your friend goes to another bank B and borrows $100 United State Dollar at 2% interest yearly. So if you want to borrow another $100 and your friend lend it to you at 5% interest (he took loan $100 from another bank). By simple calculation, your friend is effectively earning 3% interest. (5%-2%=3%). If you hold on to this for 1 year, you are carrying over your trades over a year and yield you 3% interest rate on the principle amount.

Sound similar to carry trade?

Imagine your friend is the broker. Related Coverage Forex Trading – Understanding Rollovers And Rates Of Interest Examining open interest on forex futures might help you affirm the strength of a trend in foreign exchange market sentiment. Forex Trading System - Overnight Interest Now we will learn about the Overnight Interest in the forex trading which is also often called as an Swap or the premium interest. Here we will learn how to do the correct calculations. Forex Trading If interested in exploring the forex trading market, there are several ways to learn more.

Forex Spot Rate Forex Trading Course Online FAP turbo has the ability to conduct trades 24 hours a day and seven days a week without requiring human assistance. It has been said that FAP Turbo has the capability to double your initial investmen...You put money into your trading account instead of borrowing from banks, your broker account will reflect $100 (assume the earlier example, you put in $100.) and this is in United State Dollars. Since you are holding currency in your trading account, it is incurring interest from the government that issue that currency. Eg United state is giving 2% interest. On the other hand Japan Yen is giving 0.5% interest. So if you borrow Japan Yen to buy equivalent United State Dollar, you will gain 1.5% interest yield every year. (Or use United State Dollar to Sell Japan Yen.)

So total how much you will earn?

Assume you use $100,000 and use it on the carry trade between United State Dollar and Japan Yen, giving you 1.5% yearly, which work out to be $1,500. If your trading account is using 100:1 leverage, you are effectively using your original $100,000 to buy and hold $10 million, which give you $150k a year. This work out to be 150% Return On Investment.

Can this work in real life?

Of course there are few factors to consider before your 150% Return On Investment can be realized. Avoid margin call, the currency fluctuation and the exchange rate between United State Dollar and Japan Yen. Let’s start by taking the positive direction, the exchange rate is rising for (assuming you get 5% more Japan Yen if you sell), the currency fluctuation is at minimum of near 0% drawdown and no margin call. You can earn $150k + $500k = $650k about 650% Return On Investment.

But this is always not the case

The currency rate went down (assuming you get 1% less Japan Yen if you sell). The currency fluctuated 1% drawdown. You earn $150k - $100k  = $50k. but before you can realized your profit of 50K, you are hit will margin call of 1% ($100k) and your trade are call out within a week, which leaves you almost zero. And I mean zero dollars. Now you see the risk of forex trading using leverage. Of course I simplified a lot of the calculation and conversion. But it is enough to make you understand the basic of carry trade and interest rate.

My recommendation

Always take charge by calculating money management into every trade you execute. Keep it to 10% of your capital. For the earlier example, you should only use $20K to buy $1 million forex currency which potentially could yield profit of $65k or loss $35k (assume drop of 5% with 1.5% interest difference on the carry trade).

Which currency then?

There no recommended currencies to buy, but you have to look out for currency with the highest interest rate, currency with the lowest interest rate and a trending up exchange rate when you sell back. (buy low, sell high). Always remember to use money management calculation (assume 10% of your capital with 100:1 leverage). source.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Best Contract Services Providing In Financial Trading

Stock trading refers to buying and selling of stocks in the financial markets.A stock or an equity market is a public market where stocks and derivates of a company are bought and sold for a fixed price.These shares and derivates are listed on the stock exchange as securities.People who deal in these securities are called the market participants.They can be retail investors, individual investors, institutional investors like banks and insurance companies, etc.The stock market enables the companies to raise money. The companies raise money by selling their securities and investing in others securities. Stock exchange market provides liquidity of the securities which makes buying and selling easier.

Stock trading training programs are detailed courses which helps an individual in becoming an efficient stock trader.To enter into the world of stock trading, one must have full understanding and knowledge about the working of the stock market.It is must to invest in a good program or course for the same.Completing a training program will ensure that the person has all the required knowledge of trading and will help to hone the skills of that individual in the field of trading.

It is important that a person makes the right choice while selecting a training program. Related Coverage Financial services India provide excellent services Money is one of the most important aspects in every individual’s life and to lead a good, comfortable life it is essential to be financially stable. In times when people want to live lavishly with all the materialistic benefits available, they cannot survive without money that is basic necessity. Reliable financial services provider If you are keen on investing your savings somewhere, there are a number of ways in which you can do so. You can invest in fixed deposits, debentures, mutual funds, shares etc. But all this comes with a couple of positive advantages and negative points too. There is always a risk factor involved. It is here that Financial services India can come to your aid.

Financial services provider India increases your profit The market today is buzzing with different plans and schemes which will benefit every individual and help him earn that additional income. You can invest in different plans to gain profitable returns. When you invest your hard earned money in different plans, you definitely do not want to lose them due to a couple of wrong decisions. Financial services provider India is helpful In the age where luxury has become highly important and every individual wants to have more than simple basic necessities, it has become increasingly necessary for them to earn an additional income to facilitate all their indulgences.A large number of courses are available today which can be checked online. Various courses can be compared before choosing the final one. Any course will enable a person to become a trader. But it is the right course which will make a person successful trader. Therefore, this decision is very important and thus should be done carefully.

In finance, Contract for Difference (CFD) is a contract between two parties, the buyer and the seller, which says that the seller will pay the buyer difference between the current value of an asset and its value at the time of contract.When the value is positive, it is paid by the seller to the buyer.In case, the difference is in negative, then it is paid by the buyer to the seller.These Contract for Difference CFDs are applicable to only few countries and not all. Contract for Difference (CFDs) are traded between the individual traders and Contract for Difference CFD providers.Each Contract for Difference(CFD) provider can have their own specific terms as no standard contract terms exist.Contract for Difference(CFDs) are traded on margins and this minimum margin level must be maintained by the trader at all times. source.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Hоw Tо Start Trading Thе Forex Market? (Part 5)

Wh?t ?r? PIPS?

Currencies ?r? traded ?n ? price/ point (pip) system. E??h currency pair h?? ?t? ?wn pip value.

Wh?n ??u ??? ? FOREX price quote, you'll ??? ??m?th?ng listed l?k? this: EUR/USD 1.2210/13.


a) If ??u w?nt t? BUY th? EUR/USD ( meaning ??u BUY EUROS ?nd SELL US$ ) ??u buy 100,000 EUROS ?nd ??u SELL 122,130 US$, ?r ?n ?th?r words ??u receive 122,130 US$ f?r 100,000 EUROS.

B) If ??u w?nt t? SELL th? EUR/USD (meaning ??u SELL EUROS ?nd BUY US$) ??u buy 122,100 US$ ?nd sell 100,000 EUROS, ?r ?n ?th?r words ??u receive 100,000 EUROS f?r 122,100 US$.

Th? difference b?tw??n th? bid ?nd th? ??k price ?? referred t? ?? th? spread. In th? ?x?m?l? above, th? spread ?? 3 ?r 3 pips.

S?n?? th? US dollar ?? th? centerpiece ?f th? FOREX market, ?t ?? n?rm?ll? considered th? 'base' currency f?r quotes. In th? "Majors", th?? includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF ?nd USD/CAD. F?r th??? currencies ?nd m?n? others, quotes ?r? expressed ?? ? unit ?f $1 USD ??r th? ????nd currency quoted ?n th? pair.

F?r ?x?m?l? ? quote ?f USD/CHF 1.3000 means th?t fore ?n? U.S. dollar ??u receive 1.30 Swiss Francs. ?r ?n ?th?r words, ??u receive 1.30 Swiss Franc f?r ???h 1 US$.

Wh?n th? U.S. dollar ?? th? base unit ?nd ? currency quote g??? up, ?t means th? dollar h?? appreciated ?n v?lu? ?nd th? ?th?r currency h?? weakened. If th? USD/CHF quote ?b?v? increases t? 1.3050 th? dollar ?? stronger b???u?? ?t w?ll n?w buy m?r? Swiss Franc th?n before.

Th? thr?? exceptions t? th?? rule ?r? th? British pound (GBP), th? Australian dollar (AUD) ?nd th? Euro (EUR). In th??? cases, ??u m?ght ??? ? quote ?u?h ?? EUR/USD 1.2080, meaning th?t f?r EURO ??u receive 1.2080 U.S. Dollars.

In th??? thr?? currency pairs, wh?r? th? U.S. dollar ?? n?t th? base rate, ? rising quote means ? weakening dollar, ?? ?t n?w takes m?r? U.S. dollars t? equal ?n? Euro, British pound ?r ?n Australian dollar.

In ?th?r words, ?f ? currency quote g??? higher, th?t increases th? v?lu? ?f th? base currency. A l?w?r quote means th? base currency ?? weakening.

Currency pairs th?t d? n?t involve th? U.S. dollar ?r? called cross currencies, but th? calculation ?? th? same. F?r example, ? quote ?f EUR/JPY 134.50 signifies th?t ?n? Euro ?? equal t? 134.50 Japanese yen.

HOW TO BUY (g??ng LONG)and SELL (g??ng SHORT) ?n th? FOREX Market?

K??? ?n mind 2 v?r? important rules:

RULE #1) Cut ??ur LOOSING trades ?nd l?t ??ur WINNING trades RUN

YOU WILL HAVE LOSING TRADES. Ev?r? FOREX trader has. Th? secret is, th?t ? consistent, disciplined trader, ?t th? ?nd ?f th? day, adds u? m?r? winning trades th?n losing trades.

Wh?n ??u ?nd ??? ?n ??ur charts, w?th?ut ?n? doubt, th?t ??u ?r? ?n ? losing trade, don't k??? losing money. M??t ?f th? novice traders ?r? lowering th??r stop loss ?u?t t? prove th?? ?r? r?ght ?r hoping th?t th? market w?ll reverse . 99% ?f th??? trades, ?r? ?nd?ng u? w?th m?r? losses. M??t ?f th? profitable trades ?r? u?u?ll? "right" immediately.

Remember, smart traders kn?w th?r? ?r? m?n? ?th?r opportunities. CUT ??ur losses short ?nd compound th??? winning positions.

RULE 2) NEVER EVER trade FOREX w?th?ut placing ? Stop Loss Order.

PLACE ? STOP order, r?ght ?l?ng w?th ??ur ENTRY order, v?? ??ur online trading station, t? prevent potential losses.

B?f?r? initiating ?n? trade, ??u h?v? t? calculate ?t wh?t point ( price) ??u w?uld b? wrong, b???u?? th? market changed direction, ?nd w?uld w?nt t? cut ??ur losses.

T? m?k? profits, ?n th? FOREX, ? trader ??n enter th? market w?th ? *buy position* (known ?? g??ng "long") ?r ? *sell position* (known ?? g??ng "short").

A? ?n ?x?m?l? let's assume you've b??n studying th? EURO. Th? EURO ?? paired f?r?t w?th th? U.S. dollar ?r USD.

Y?ur trading methods, rules, strategies, etc., t?ll ??u th?t th? EURO w?ll rice ?n th? n?xt 2 weeks, S? ??u buy th? EUR/USD pair meaning ??u w?ll simultaneously buy EUROS, ?nd SELL dollars).

Y?u open u? ??ur excellent trading station software (provided t? ??u f?r free b? Fenix Capital Management, LLC ) ?nd ??u ??? th?t th? EUR/USD pair ?? trading at: EUR/USD: 1.2010/1.2013.

A? ??u ??u b?l??v? th?t th? market price f?r th? EUR/USD pair w?ll g? higher, ??u w?ll enter ? 'buy position' ?n th? market.

A? ?n example, l?t? ??? ??u bought ?n? lot EUR/USD ?t 1.2013. A? long ?? ??u sell b??k th? pair ?t ? higher price, th?n ??u m?k? money.

T? illustrate ? typical FX SELL trade, ??n??d?r th?? scenario involving th? USD/JPY currency pair:

REMEMBER Selling ("going short") th? currency pair implies selling th? first, base currency, ?nd buying th? second, quote currency. Y?u sell th? currency pair ?f ??u b?l??v? th? base currency (USD) w?ll g? d?wn relative t? th? quote currency (JPY), ?r equivalently, th?t th? quote currency (JPY) w?ll g? u? relative t? th? base currency (USD).


Th? Profit Calculations, ?n th? Short-sell trade scenario below, m?? ???m ??m?wh?t complicated ?f you've n?v?r b??n ?n th? FOREX market before, but th?? process ?? continually calculated thr?ugh ??ur broker trade station (software). I show ??u th?? process b?l?w ?? ??u ??n SEE h?w ? PROFIT m?ght occur.

Th? current bid/ask price f?r USD/JPY ?? 107.50/107.54, meaning ??u ??n buy $1 US f?r 107.54 YEN, ?r sell $1 US f?r 107.50 YEN.

Suppose ??u th?nk th?t th? US Dollar (USD) ?? overvalued ?g??n?t th? YEN (JPY). T? execute th?? strategy, ??u w?uld sell Dollars (simultaneously buying YEN), ?nd th?n wait f?r th? exchange rate t? rise.

Y?ur trade w?uld b? th? following: ??u sell 1 lot USD (US $100,000) ?nd ??u buy 1 lot JPY (10,754.000 YEN). (Remember, ?t 0.25 % margin, ??ur initial margin deposit f?r th?? trade w?uld b? $250.)

A? ??u expected, USD/JPY falls t? 106.50/106.54, meaning ??u ??n n?w buy $1 US f?r $106.54 Japanese YEN ?r sell $1 US f?r 106.50.

S?n?? you're short dollars (and ?r? long YEN), ??u mu?t n?w buy dollars ?nd sell b??k th? YEN t? realize ?n? profit.

Y?u buy US $100,000 ?t th? current USD/JPY rate ?f 106.54, ?nd receive 10,654,000 YEN. S?n?? ??u originally bought (paid for) 10,754,000 YEN, ??ur profit ?? 100,000 YEN.

T? calculate ??ur P&L ?n terms ?f US dollars, divide 100,000 b? th? current USD/JPY rate ?f 106.54. Total profit = US $938.61. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Monday 25 June 2012

Programming Made Simple for MT4 Forex Trading

With programming, Forex Trader can put their winning strategy into programming codes and run on MT4 trading platform to let the computer trades automatically. This is make possible using MQL or metaquotes languages to write and compile using metaeditor into executable ex files which are called expert advisor to run on MT4 trading account.

The programming is similar to C with declaration of variables, logic comparision and executing of files and functions.


MQL4 comes with various data types namely integer, Boolean, character, string, float, color and date & time. You can create local variable can using the standard declaration like int, double, string, etc. Related Coverage MT4 Expert Advisor For those who have never heard of mt4 expert advisor, it is a automated trading robot for a charting and trading program called Metatrader. Metatrader is a charting and trading program that you can analysis and trade with it. MT4 expert advisor means Metatrader 4 expert advisor. This type of auto trading script or robot supports the latest version of Metatrader.

Mt4 Forex Admirable ways to improve your success in business with MT4 Forex MT4 FOREX trading platform If you are interested in trading on the foreign exchange market, then you should start by finding out more information on the MT4 FOREX trading platform. While there are many companies out there that promise the best trading platform on the market, the truth is that not even half of them can deliver their promise. You need the best and Metatrader FOREX is indeed exactly what you need. Boons Of Mt4 Here are some of the boons of MT4. In Forex trading, one of the programs people find most useful to them is the MT4.For global variables, you have to declare the variables before int start(). To have your variable available and value retained after program ended, use static variable declaration by static int, static double, etc.

Standard Constants

It comes with many standard constant that you can use which is already predefine by the program. One of the most important standard constants are timeframe which comes with PERIOD_M1, PERIOD_M5, PERIOD_M15, PERIOD_M30, PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1 and PERIOD_MN1. This is useful in defining the currency chart to use for technical indicator trigger. Next is the OrderSend() function which uses trade operations constant OP_BUY, OP_SELL, OP_BUYLIMIT, OP_SELLLIMT, OP_BUTSTOP and OP_SELLSTOP which covers all the 6 different trade execution. The last importance standard constant is price related which is PRICE_CLOSE, PRICE_OPEN, PRICE_HIGH and PRICE_LOW which is often used in technical charting.

Predefined Variables

Ask, Bars, Bid, Close, Digits, High, Low, Open, Point and Time are widely use thru out the programming codes. When comparing currency price, Ask, Bid, Close, Open, High and Low are often called for operand operation. Bars is used when counting the number of bars in the selected currency chart. Point is the current symbol point value in the quote currency and Digits is the number after decimal point for the current symbol price. Both are used to compute stop loss, profit take, buy and sell price.

Account Information

This is a group of function which provided important information about your trading account and is used for computing trading lots and money management system including calculating of margin and balance. The often used function are AccountBalance, AccountFreeMargin, AccountLeverage, AccountMargin and AccountProfit. You need to input some margin requirement and usually I use minimum 200% margin requirement for max open lots using account leverage for maximum drawdown to avoid margin call.

Date and Time Functions

The widely used functions are DayOfWeek to get the Monday to Sunday of the date, Hour and minute for time and Seconds for looping. If your strategy is time constraint, meaning it only run during 2 to 4 am and only on Monday to Wednesday, this group of function is definitely the ones that you called to compare and execute codes.

Technical Indicators

This is the most important functions you be calling if you are using technical charting to execute trading rules. The common indicator that I used are iMA which is moving average simple/exponential/linear weighted calculation, iRSI which is Relative Strength Index, iMACD which is Moving Average Convergence/Diverage, iBands which is Bollinger Bands, iCCI which is Commodity Channel Index, iStochastic which is Stochastic Oscillator and iADX which is Movement Directional Index.

Trading Functions

This is required for any trading to be successful. The widely used trade function are OrderSend, OrderSelect, OrderClose and OrderModify. You may refer to MQL4 documentation for more information of the various functions. And refer to my website for more software offers with ready to use program codes. source.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Which is the right forex provider for you?

Which is the right forex provider for you?

As one of the biggest financial markets in the world, forex attracts a lot of attention from both corporate and private investors alike.  This has resulted in a surge of new companies starting up with attractive introductory offers, in order to attract your business.  However, choosing a forex provider requires more consideration than simply opting for the best introductory deal.

This article is designed to help the new trader find the right forex provider for them, as well as providing guidance for experienced traders who are looking to switch from their current broker.

Competitive fees and commissions

The difference between a profit and a loss can sometimes depend on the charges applied by your forex provider.  A broker that offers low currency conversion fees and offers tight spreads on its currency pairs would be a good place to start.

The currency pairs you want

It is important that the forex provider offers the currency pairs that you want to trade on.  Most providers will offer the major pairs, such as EUR/USD and AUD/USD, but a few will also provide currency pairs involving emerging countries that you might be interested in.

In addition to this, you may be able to practice your forex trading before you invest with a free forex demo account.  By trading with the provider’s virtual currency, you can test the forex market, as well as the broker’s platform, before you invest.

Help to improve you as a trader

Something that is often overlooked by traders, when looking for a forex provider, is the educational service they provide.  There are some providers out there who will aim to improve you as a trader.  They provide extensive market analysis and free online seminars in order to teach you more about the underlying markets, which could be important in helping you trade successfully.

IG Markets is a forex and CFD provider that offers over 60 currency pairs to trade on, for both their demo and full accounts.  They also provide a specific forex focus that covers the major currency pair movements, along with twice daily market analysis, in order to help you keep track of what is driving the forex markets.

This article is provided for information purposes and should not be regarded as financial product advice. Related Coverage Which is the Right SEO service provider The article gives you the considerable steps to ensure that you are dealing with reliable SEO from Pakistan. Determining Which Satellite Tv Provider Is Right For You When it comes to subscription-based home entertainment solutions, it can be tough choosing the right one for you. The satellite TV landscape in particular is extremely competitive, which is both a good and bad thing for potential customers. It's good because competition will bring out the best in the various providers, but it's bad because you're going to have to do a bit more research in order to make the best decision possible.

Learn Forex with Forex Signal Service Providers A Forex signal is basically forex advice or news which help the trader decide whether or not to make a trade. Is Forex Megadroid the Right Forex Robot For You? Forex automatons applied for trading have forthwith been popular among fussy bargainers. This software program is programmed to do projects related forex trading which can aid in assisting mongers. It is for certain a large supporter to be able to extinguish the long times of day of monitoring over the changes in the forex market place.

The system may be able to do the monitoring the least bit hours without any break.Please refer to the risk disclosure statement from IG Markets.  CFD trading can result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. You should consider the information in light of your specific objectives, financial situation or needs before making any trading or investment decision. source.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Is Forex Trading For You?

Forex Trading involve a lot of risk and its not for anyone. Below is some risk discussed to make you ready for Forex Trading should you choose to accept. The first is that you will lose everything you put in.


If trader are telling you this that you don't need any money to trade Forex then they are not telling the truth! You need money to trade Forex but you can start off with small amount of capital. Some broker allows you to open mini account with as little as $500 or $250 to start with. Remember that you are buying at mini trade or micro trade which will give you $1 or $0.1 per pips. This is a good way to start live trading but will take a longer time for you to gain an adequate amount to sustain your expenses.

For starter, $1k on 0.1 lot trading is a good start where you earn about $1 per pip. Likewise your losses is also -$1 per pip. Trade, learn and increment your trade to 0.2 lots once your hit $2k or $3k and repeat this to grow your trade to 1 lot and more. For advance trader, good to start off with $10k on 1lot trading. If you are into automated Forex trading, you should start off with $10k and set a target of 1000 pips every month trading at 0.1 lot. If you calculated the margin, you may be able to load 3 EA that gives you 300 to 400 pips every month which will work out 1000pips or $1k every month.


In Forex trading, you need time to look at the chart and check your trading rules before you can execute a trade. There is buy stop and sell limit which lock I your trade and it will execute when the buy or sell price reached. But you still need plenty of time to go thru your chart and your trading rules. In some cases, the rules is forming but not yet ready and you need to wait for another bar or few more bars in order to start your trade. This will take you another hour or so depending on the charting time frame you are using. There time is required for trading if you are technical or fundamental.

There is another way which is automated Forex Trading. You don't spend time executing the trade or looking at chart with indicators. The strategy is all coded and run automatically on your MT4 trading platform. (MT4 is one of the popular forex trading platform). Instead you spend time looking at executed trades, trades summary and close trade profit/loss. The time spend is on analysis these close trades, re-enforcing winning strategy and re-organizing losing strategy. You see the time spend is now on closed trades rather then spending time to look for trades matching your rules. You will have more time to focus on strategy that works and refine these strategy that don't work.


There is risk and so there is fear of losing. No Forex trader will win every time. There bound to be wining and losing trades. The point is to overcome the fear of losing that is causing you to make repeated similar trades. Always look at statistic and trend. Forex trading is about repeating trades that make money, re-configure some of the trading rule along the way and consistent with money management. Fear has to be remove from every trade, instead forecast or estimated results should be anticipating in your feelings. Cast fear aside and trade without emotion. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Friday 22 June 2012

5 habits to successful forex trading

Habit 1# Keep a trading journal

Always have a good practice to keep a trading diary of your trades into a journal. This is particular useful for checking and referring of old trades in the future. You also be able to pick up common mistakes that you may find. Things to take note in a trading journal are date, time, currency, lots size, price, timeframe and target profit and stop loss. Do write down some notes on what causes you to trigger the buy or sell trade. It is due to technical indicator or fundamental news. And also write down what determine your stop loss and profit take pips.

Habit 2# Review your closed trades

After every trade, do some review on your trades. Try to answer all questions to why you win or loss that trade. And put up a mistake column and highlight it in another colour. This will warn you not to repeat the same mistake again. Another review is on your winning trade. Put up another colour to indicate that this set of trigger works for this currency. Especially if you are using technical indicator like moving average or oscillator, always mark out or highlights those triggers that give profitable winning trades. You may want to automate those winning strategy later on.

Habit 3# Understand what happen before you execute your trade

This is very important as every trade you entered is due to some situation or certain set of rules are true then you execute the buy or sell trade. A lot more information has to be capture if you are using multi time frame and many technical indicators. For losing trade, always look at why your set of rules fail, any fundamental news within the last 24 hours and other technical indicator which you may have used that can help you to strengthen the rules for executing this particular trade.

Habit 4# Trade when you are not emotional

Trading has to be consistent and not affected by one's emotional feeling. When you are not ready or not in the mood to do anything, then do not perform any Forex trading neither do you not perform any analysis of charts. Go take a break, short nap or relax by exercising, calm down your mental state then start Forex trading. You need to look at statistics and charts to determine your trade and not let emotion destroy your set of rules. With an unstable state of mind, many analysis can go wrong and causes losing trades.

Habit 5# Try paper trading your strategy first

Paper trading is always important for any new strategy. You need to test your new set of rules first by trading paper money using old historical price data. This is as close as real trading results you can get. Another way to speed up this lengthy process is using MT4 strategy tester using programming codes for your trading strategy. While this may not be reflecting real time trading, but it is a good guide to determine if your trading strategy is profitable or not.

You may wan to explore into MT4 trading platform and programming codes for trading strategy call expert advisor. Do visit bestforexranking dot com for more information. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Ichimoku Principles at a Glance

As with any tool, the ichimoku chart system is designed to make your life a little easier and hopefully a little more profitable. Everyone knows that trading is a numbers game and that ratios and probability play a key role in ensuring that everything is in order.

The problem with any trading, forex included is that your goal is to find which trades make more sense profitability wise. This is exactly where ichimoku proves itself. As a system, it is extremely visual and therefore much easier to read. Even though traders are required to like and be good with numbers not everyone is. This particular charting system gives traders the opportunity to shrink the numbers versus logic balance a little more because of the fact that it is a visual system.

There are five basic principles when it comes to understanding ichimoku. Related Coverage Basic Bedroom Decorating Ideas At a Glance A nice design in your bedroom is a welcome addition to the general charm of your home. You bedroom can even be the most important part because it's where you spend time to relax and communicate with yourself, whether at the beginning of the day before you set out into the world or as you retreat back into it after surviving another battle at work. If you want your bedroom to be your true sanctuary, you should have it provide you the best environment for an unwinding and getting peaceful sleep.

Remember that in this room, you let your guard down and allow yourself to be the bare and simple soul that you are inside. Don't spoil those rare moments. Shopping At A Glance The reason behind it is the fast emerging awareness of the Internet and the facilities growing of almost all the things. Recruitment At a glance Professional recruitment entails the process of attracting, screening, and selecting a qualified person for a job, particularly for senior recruitment. Spain at a Glance Spain is a European country and one of the largest in the continent.To the untrained eye, the chart may look extremely complicated but it isn't. With these five principles, you will find it much easier to understand the chart.

The first principle states that any prices that directly intersect with the ichimoku trend line shows a potential change to prices.

Secondly, any prices that run much farther from the trend line can be a potential indication of overbuying or overselling.

One of the lines in an ichimoku chart is called the chikou span. According to the ichimoku principle, if any prices start to cut into this, there is likely to be some sort of resistance is price. It can also indicate support.

Since the trend line is meant to show trends, anomalies can be a sign or indication for you to put an additional stop loss measure in place so that you know when to reap your profits.

Finally, know when to stop. You must have a clear plan or defined profit to understand when you have to move to another more profitable currency. Understanding and putting these ichimoku principles in place will make your forex trading much easier. source.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

How to Make Money Currency Trading

You will find so many resources out there, both online and offline to start your research on trading and making money, I couldn't list them all here. You can find seminars, articles, workshops, instructional videos, and books on the topic of how to create money currency trading.

If you decide to opt for a broker, it's wise to consider all the various brokers' systems open to you before making your choice.

A well designed trading system will lower your work dramatically. This in turn gives you time to pay attention to studying the market and plotting your strategy.

If you are like me however, there never seems to be enough time within the day between my family obligations and work to set up the serious study it takes to master the foreign exchange market.

It is a pretty steep learning curve, and it may be pretty daunting at first for someone just learning how you can trade.

There is one more way to earn money currency trading. It's probably the best bet for novices and those of us who are pressed with regard to time. The process is an auto-trading system, generally called a Forex trading program.

There are many of these Forex Robots available, but they aren't all created equal. Many of these so called automated systems are simply scams.

In my last article, we took a glance at the potential profitability of trading with a Forex trading program. We also discussed that that there are many Forex Robots which are downright scams. In other words, all Forex Robots aren't created equal.

I recently had a friend call me who was simply trading on the currency market for some period, and was making some pretty good money trading Forex the standard way. He excitedly told me that he had recently found a Forex trading program that was recommended by a fellow trader.

He continued to tell me that although he was skeptical of those automated Forex Robot systems, and believed like I did that many of them were scams, he decided to give it an attempt. The results were nothing short of phenomenal.

After setting the machine up, he invested $ 350. 00 I also tried it and found how the robot was choosing about 95. 5% winners and I too a lot more than doubled my money.

Before you invest in some of theses products however, make sure you find out what the risk/reward profile is with the trading software you are considering.

As an example, some of these software products include risk/reward ratios of 2: 1, while some even have a risk/reward ratio up to 35: 1. These ratios are not acceptable, and you have to look elsewhere, otherwise you'll lose all your buying and selling funds pretty quickly.

Any automated trading software that accompany more than a 1: 1 risk should be avoided such as the plague.

I want to emphasize that there are great Forex expert advisors and trading Robots that may make you good money, but you need to understand how to recognize them.

It has been conclusively proven that automated items which adopt strict and professionally set guidelines and that will never allow you greater than a 1: 1 run, reduce the risk of wrecking your trading account.

Did you know that you will find average people out there making between $3500. 00 in order to $4000. 00 per month trading in the Currency markets? How are they doing it? Find out how a powerful and "smart" Forex Robot is creating life-changing incomes for most people who have never traded the Currency market prior to. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

US dollar impacts Trader’s investment in stock market

Traders are confused after having poor performance of Indian rupee. It decreases FII(foreign institutional investors) and DII(domestic institutional investors). US dollar always has demands among traders but USD creates tensions due to exchange in terms of INR. More USD exchange rates require more INR. It creates climate where every traders thinks what will be next move of stock market. Traders can’t easily decide what should be hedge funds due to vulnerable pace of stock market. News, rumors, global market updates decide market trend, and example S&P has decreased India’s credit rating due to poor performance of Indian economy. This news demoralized domestic investors and foreign investors. Traders think that there is scarcity of money, there will not be buyers and sellers.

US dollar is global currency for import and export. Related Coverage The U.S. Dollar's Impact on Price Action in the S&P 500, Gold, & Oil Assuming the U.S. Dollar breaks down, we should see the S&P 500, precious metals, and oil continue to work higher. My eyes are going to be watching the U.S. Dollar Index closely in coming days/weeks. If a breakdown transpires, the potential upside in precious metals and oil could be intense. Ultimately, I remain slightly bullish on stocks and extremely bullish on oil and precious metals. However, my entire thesis could change if the U.S. Dollar Index starts to firm up and begins to work higher. U.S. Stocks Pare Gains U.S. stocks retreated from early gains Monday as traders eyed this week’s election results and Fed meeting.

The stock markets were mixed with the Dow Jones and the Standard& Poor index gaining and the Nasdaq declining. U.S. stocks extended climb U.S. markets posted a narrow gain on Friday, bumping higher to weekly modest gains as tech companies’ earning boosted sentiment. However, investors still worried about the economic data. Forex - U.S Dollar Equals Canadian Dollar Tourists from the United States suffer long enjoyed trips to Canada in search of vacation and shopping bargains. Recently, however, the Canadian buck has stirred to parity adjacent to the U.S. Buck threatening to take by surprise it in cherish. Fueled by the strength in the freight souk such as uranium and lubricate, the loonie, as the Canadian buck is tenderly called, instantly commands novel respect. What does this mean on behalf of U.S. Traders in the foreign switch over (FOREX) souk?

Importers generally hedge their risk by purchasing American currency against Indian rupee and exporters hedge their risk by selling dollar against INR. If it hikes then importer has to give more INR and exporter will get less $. It means, high dollar has positive as well as negative impacts on economy. But high USD always has negative correlation with traders who expect bullish market.  It has inverse relation with Nifty and Sensex. Whenever it hikes, Nifty goes down. It affects fifty stocks of Nifty, therefore traders get demoralized to invest money and sometimes they refuse trading. At present, market has unpredictable situation like sideways, up, down. Nobody can predict what will be market trend; it’s a pathetic situation for traders. NSE- indices represent different stocks and size of the company. Those firms have direct profit relation with external value of Indian rupees which have export and import business. Mostly reactions are reflected from IT, technology, knowledge based sectors due fluctuations in US dollar exchange rates.

Main issue with dollar ($) it behaves like an intermediary due to three way transactions in international transfer mechanisms. Our govt. pays US dollar for crude oil. When it is appreciated then we pay more rupees. Foreign education loans also get expensive.  Import of machinery, crude, weapons, air craft are decided by global USD exchange rates. But those are received their remittances by foreign currency, they enjoy its hiking.

Forward currency market was used for hedging exchange rate risk in customized way. But MCX-SX is playing a role of legal place where trading of currency like USD, EUR, JPY, GBP against INR is possible without any counterparty risk. Forex trading is only way of security against exchange rate’s negative impacts on trader’s investment decision. It is allowed trading in currency future. Stock market is a place where traders lose as well as win; same concept applies on other currencies if global currency appreciates then domestic automatically devaluates. source.

Monday 18 June 2012

Forging Forex Partnership Through the Affiliate Programme

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Especially well worth the actual dongguan benefit from the actual locks, dongguan business commercial bunch since the primary system locks while using the interest connected with business in the land, have been because specific component entries. Related Coverage Franklin & Marshall Franklin Marshall Women Pants The great franklin Marshall franklin marshall Get Franklin and Marshall’s College Style Franklin and Marshall Franklin and Marshall is generally astounding Franklin Marshall Outlet Franklin and MarshallThe particular sights linked to mentioned, may while using dongguan business since the middle, rays connected with changping asian hole, the particular flat strain, and so forth, end up being the actual rigorous locks business. Concurrently, still assistance the particular office connected rich in-grade manufactured from wool manufacturing bottom, Franklin Marshall t shirts, made of wool r& n middle, franklin & marshall buy, made of wool profit middle.

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Sunday 17 June 2012

Best FX Automated System

Forex is used in daily trading of goods and exports. With globalization, money is transferred or exchanged into other currency for payment and receivables. Out of all the major player, there is 1 type of investment in forex that gain profit and this group of profiteers are forex trader. This is a similar class as a stock and share trader except the purchase is currency instead of the company shares.

Why Forex?

My main reason for writing this is to show the automated Forex trading. But before I touch on automation, I need to explain why Forex is chosen. Trading can be performed 24 hours a day (vs stocks which is 8 to 5 usually) and can perform sell trade. Most investment instruments can only buy first then sell. Related Coverage Best Automated FX Trading System I would like you to know about the different automated trading strategies in Forex and which is the best automated trading system. FX Childs Play System Review FX Childs Play System can benefit mostly the beginners since even if they cannot have many years of experience they will still cash in on the aid of this software program.

If you understand the basics of the Currency trading, then a newbie will be able to know how the application performs. If the software program is used by a specialist, then it will certainly generate more income for your trader. Using FX Forex Currency Trading Systems FX Forex currency trading systems are the only things that separate a thriving foreign exchange trader and a regular forex trading loser Scalping FX Robot Review Scalping FX Robot doesn't need to guess, it really KNOWS where the market will go in the next few seconds. Therefore this EA can make 10-500 trades daily aiming at 1-15 pips per trade which takes usually 15-30 seconds.

That is equal to over 2,000% percent profit a month, sometimes even more! Now ECN version available working in FinFX and other top brokers.For Forex trading. It can do sell first then buy. Unlike many other stock exchange in the world, shares have to have a buyer and a seller then the shares can change hands. For Forex, since it is largely connects into a pool of currency demand and supply, you can almost instantly buy without having to wait for seller. Most important of all is that it wont bankrupt, reach zero value or translate into worthless paper. Because you are using currency to buy currency and that it self is the assets you be holding.

How to profit from Forex

Before automation is possible, likewise for stock trader, foreign exchange are traded manually by trader. Currency are buy and sell with human involvement. The price will raise and fall. The main aim is to profit by buying low and selling high. Basic mathematics applies. But with the turn of the century comes computing and programming, this change and evolve investment. This includes traders in the foreign exchange community.

Automated Passive Income

With automation of the trading strategy which execute trades for you according to your programs. Steams of passive income is made possible using MT4 trading platform. Expert advisor are program that run on your computer which trades for you automatically. You only need to setup a trading account and run your Expert Advisor program to enable passive income. Personally I have use it to achieve monthly income without having to look at trading chart all the time. But I still manual trade when I see some news that will leak to drastically drop in currency price.

Can this be sustainable in the long run?

Definitely you still need to monitor every now and then. Pick up those bad trades and add in new profitable strategy. Some trading strategies are especially profitable in trending market or sideways market. While others are reversal and martingale trading. And lately popular ones are scalping strategy. Be side monitoring your program, you need to keep in mind money management and margin call. Always keep enough capital for draw down (strategy maximum drawdown) and your margin required for trades (trading account leverage). As a recommendation always use 10% of your capital to buy and hold margin for your Forex trades.

I wrote many articles on the different strategy and have created many Expert Advisors using combination of different trading strategies. Refer to my website for more information. source.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Stop Working and Start Day Trading Stocks

Before electronic trading of stocks, if someone wanted to trade stocks, they needed to call their stock broker to place their order, who would then route the order through a specialist on the floor of the exchange. The specialist would match the buyer with a seller and write up a physical ticket that would transfer the stock and send that confirmation back to both brokers. Much has changed since 1975 when the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) opened up the stock markets to electronic trading and discount brokers. This change drastically reduced commission costs and provided better access and information for day trading stocks thus making short term trading much more profitable.

The most common type of trading is buying a stock, waiting for its value to increase, and then selling the stock for a profit. Day traders also want to make a profit when a stock's value is decreasing by first selling a stock and waiting for it to decrease before buying the stock back at a lower price, and then buy the stock back at a lower price (known as shorting a stock).

Trend Trading is a popular strategy where stock traders identify the direction or trend of the stock. This type of trading uses support and resistance lines know as trading channels. When a trend is broken the trader will exit the trade when the trading channel is broken.

Swing Trading is similar strategy for day trading stocks based on oscillations between high pivot points and low pivot points, or in other words, between periods of optimism and pessimism using technical analysis trading using common indicators such as Stochastic and Relative Strength Index. Electronic Trading of stocks is done using computer algorithms to automatically generate orders to buy and sell without any human intervention.

Electronic trading now accounts for over 50% of stock market investing in stocks and is growing rapidly. The reason for this rapid growth is simple – technology has allowed electronic traders access to smaller and smaller data intervals to make excessive returns. Profit potential is huge and barriers of entry are getting lower. Level 3 Data offers immediate access to tick data summarized as Buying and Selling Pressure without the complications of handling tick trading data.

Better Information - Better Trades – Better Profits

Stock market trading can be very risky but can also provide you with excessive gains in a very short time. So if you want to make good money, you have to have the best information and the best trading tools available.

Level 3 Data is a well-known company in the world providing Buying and Selling Pressure for Stocks.The stock market graph of Buying and Selling Pressure provides the individual investor the competitive edge needed for day trading stocks for better profits. Our stock trading channels identify the direction of the stock price in real-time using our easy-to-use stock market charts. Trade with the highest level of data- Buying and Selling Pressure – trade with Level 3 Data today! Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Friday 15 June 2012

Knowing More About Forex Affiliate Forums for Creating a Better Business

The potential to have a partnership and business deal with the forex market is possible through the participation in the forex affiliate forums where people can create better business avenues. The forex market is a huge arena, where people come to put their money and earn huge amounts of profits. This is one of the established ways to be a part of the forex market.

Another possibility that is being seen nowadays is about becoming an affiliate with the forex platforms. And to make the most of this opportunity, the forex affiliate program reviews should be understood because they tell a lot about the requirements of being a successful affiliate. Forex business is extending beyond the realms of being an investor only.

There are various indicators and tools that are required for making the investments. People can work through this system to help in the buying of these tools and indicators by companies or by individuals. These are considered necessary nowadays because they help people in making a decision regarding the points at which the investments are to be made. They help in understanding the trends of the forex market, which is essential if people are to put their money at the right place.
The need to have the right indicators is being seen as the driving force for the upcoming affiliates. Therefore the websites which are interested in becoming affiliate partners need to pick up the best platforms, whose services and products are liked by people and are productive. For this, they will have to go through various forex affiliate program reviews so that there is sufficient amount of data regarding their efficiency and their effectiveness.

The reviews are provided by people who have experience in dealing with the platforms and from many other sources which tell about the facilities that one can get in the platforms. These also tell about the types of indicators and tools that are effective so that people can choose those platforms for promotion in their portals, which have a high selling potential. The forex affiliate forums talk about the different ways in which one can go about this particular kind of business. The forums are a means to know about the best selling indicators and tools and the best platforms which provide services that would be liked by people.

Being a part of the forex affiliate forums is something that will benefit the affiliates hugely because the forums give a lot of indications about their effectiveness. People who are interested to earn good commission by becoming affiliates need to go through the forex affiliate program reviews and then decide to take up the programs. There are plenty of forums and review sites which provide such information and going through them will only help in establishing a better business venture. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Profitable Business Being Done Through Forex Programs

As more and more people are eyeing the trading done in the forex market, some of them are aiming to be part of the forex programs that are going on these days. This concept has come up quite hugely in recent times, when the websites are aiming to be part of the forex platforms by promoting them in full or partially.

A forex trading includes a number of things such as the real time data display of the trading, the indicators and tools and such other signals that help in the process of investments. These are required to be reached near the public who is interested for the forex and its components. As a platform, it is not always possible for a brokering agency to cover a wide range of customers. For this, they need the help of more than one website to propagate about the forex market and the different tools that can be possibly used in it.

Only when people are aware about the existence of such tools, then they will give attention to the different values and indicators. By means of taking part in the forex program, websites are directly benefiting themselves and at the same time are increasing the possibility of increased membership registration in the platforms. This kind of propagation or the evaluation is possible if more and more portals participate in the affiliate programs.

By becoming a part of the forex programs, there are many advantages that the website owners have. They earn a good amount of money by advertising about the forex platforms. The commission is quite good and can be earned just by sitting at home. One can work from the home or from the office and carry out the promotional activities in the internet at their own will. The knowledge of internet promotional activities is sufficient to bring people into the range of profits because a well promoted portal will be liked by people and the traffic will be high.

So, it is important to choose the forex program prudently so that the best platforms are chosen to be marketed. The promotional activities are not tough, if people know what to do in the promotion and how to do it. The rest falls into place as the customers visiting the affiliate sites are directed to the home platform through various links where they can buy the products.

Being a part of the forex programs does not mean that the affiliate sites will be selling the products. They are required to just promote the products by different means through the internet portals and the rest is done by the platforms. Due to the low investment and high amount of returns in the form of hefty commissions, people are showing their interest in this type of forex business. It is becoming profitable as well as is possible to be done from home, thereby increasing their importance in the forex market. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Buy Iraqi currency to earn huge profits

Taking care of your household finances is not an easy task. You not only need to take care of all your daily needs but also have to save for the security of your future. Most common people live from the start of one month to the next i.e. from one salary day to another.

Hence it becomes extremely difficult to fulfil your wishes of a little luxury or if you are faced by a sudden financial crunch the only option you have is to take up a loan which only further aggravates the situation since you would then have to repay the loan too along with other expenses. What you can do is earn a little extra and above your monthly salary. If you are wondering how you can possibly do that after working for the whole day, let me explain.

You can buy Iraqi currency to earn huge profits i.e. invest in the currency market. First you can start with a small amount and once you start earning profits you can move on to larger amounts. But before you start to invest in the currency market to buy Iraqi currency you have to understand how the currency market operates. The process is pretty simple, you buy a certain currency, say Iraqi currency dinar, against some foreign currency and sell it off against some other foreign currency.

The difference between the cost price and the selling price is your profit. In the present scenario, to buy Iraqi currency is to earn huge profits. But then again you have know about investing since if you start investing without any knowledge you can be taken for a ride by your agent. And you would have to operate through an agent since currency market is not an over the counter market i.e. it is not like a shop where you can walk in and buy a currency or sell it.

There are numerous broker companies that have websites over the Internet and you can operate in the currency market through them. You have to work along with the broker with the help of phone, fax, and emails. Hence make sure you choose your broker company carefully since you would not be meeting them personally. The whole process is virtually conducted. Hence invest to buy Iraqi currency, prepare to earn huge profits and fulfil all your wishes of luxury, as well as safeguard your future. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Leverage Is Important In Forex Trading

Leverage is powerful and very useful in Forex Trading. With 100:1 leverage you are effective using $1 to hold $100 dollars. With 500:1 leverage will enable you to hold $500 using $1. This is nothing new to finance industry but widely use for currency trading in order to use the dollar unit value of currency.

Leverage works with capital that funded the trade. The capital has to be in currency value or cash in order to attain the leverage holding. This is similar to derivative or contract for difference for stock and shares. Using cash to leverage is much more powerful then using physical asset as it is harder to dilute and cash it back. Therefore leverage are still use by currency trade with capital at 100:1 leverage. This determined the 1 lot size of 100k contract in forex trading. (For mini lot is 0.1 lot of 100k contract).

1 lot actually holds 100k contract worth of currency. This is equivalent to $1k of capital used to hold $100k contract worth of currency. Since pip is used for currency movement, 100k for 1 pip movement will work out to $10 a pip. (10,000 pips actually gives 1 dollar but in leverage context is $100k contract).

For trading account, which give 200:1 or 500:1 leverage is different from the currency trading leverage. Please do not mix up both. The currency leverage is fixed at 100:1 for currency trading of 100k contract. Mini lot are executed at 0.1 lot or 0.01 lot. For trading account leverage which is 200:1 or 500:1, this will determine your margin required to hold in order to perform the 1 lot of 100k contract. Using 100:1, is $1k. Using 200:1 is $500 per lot. Using 500:1 is $200 per lot. This of course with higher leverage you actually can buy more lots. With a trading account leverage of 500:1, you can buy 5 lots at a total of 1k capital. Amazing use of leveraging.

No doubt leveraging enable you to buy more lots with higher leverage but the downsize is the drawdown and the pips loss still remains at per your trading lot of 100k contract. So most money management software will use mini lot at 0.1 lot or 0.01 lot to trade. ($1 and $0.1 per pips respectively). Therefore do not mix up these 2 leverage. One is the 100k contract leverage for currency buy and sell which is fixed at 100:1. The other is your trading account leverage which is provided by your Forex broker.

I end of this topic by comparing the trading in stock and shares. Without leverage you are buy 1 shares per 1 share price. Using leverage, you can buy 100 times more using the same capital. (assuming share price is same as currency price, and 1000 shares is equivalent to 1 USD per share.) Using 1k capital, you can but 1000 shares or buy 1 lot of 100k contract forex currency trade. Visit my website for more information. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Monday 11 June 2012

3 tips to better your forex trading results

#1 Discipline: Stick to your trading rules

You must never get emotion while trading as it will cause you to loss money in trading. For example if you execute a trade with is trending but just minutes after the trades, the currency price went against you and you went into losses. You may have losses that goes as low as -100pips (assume your stop loss is 150pips), do not panic and close your trade early to cut losses. Always stick to your trading rules. Hold onto the trade and let the trend ride out.

Like wise, if you execute a trade and the trend just go crazy and hit 100 pips profit. Do not be temped to close the trade and get the profit (assume your profit take is 200 pips). For fear of losing before the trade hit the profit target, you may just close the trade. Do not be over joy and close the trade. Stick to the trading rules and let the trade hit the profit level by itself. You may end up missing the profit that you should if you let emotion affect you. Be discipline always.

#2 Money management

This is the most important factor to every forex trader that is actively trading the currency market. Due to the leverage of forex trading as compare to conventional stock and shares, the leverage of currency in forex is 100:1. By saying this, using 100K contract or equivalent of buying 1 lot of normal trade, which is 100 x $1k of equivalent of currency value. In relative calculation, 1 pip which is 4 decimal for United State Dollar give you $10 per pip. (Assuming flat exchange rate for simplicity). With a trading account of 100:1 leverage, You need to spend $1k to buy and hold onto 1 lot at 100k contract.

The above is simple to calculate by just taking the leverage of your trading account setting. The tricky part is the margin calculation. Taking the same example, if the currency goes up by 100 pips, you will gain $1k unrealized profit. But if the currency does down -100 pips, you will loss $1k unrealized loss. So if you only have 2k capital in your trading account, your account would hit margin call (1k+1k=2k). The trade would be faced to close by your forex broker and you will hit losses. So it very risky to trade with zero stoploss. For me, by rule of thumb, I will use 10% of capital to trade, by calculation, you would have 900 pips to play with. (this applied to leverage 100 or 200 or 500:1 because leverage only reduce your initial 1k holding to $200. Since your contract is still 100k contract, the pips loss and profit remain the same. So stick to using 10% or less of your capital to trade). Instead of increase your capital, you can use mini lot or 0.1 lot for 100k contract. This will reduce your holding to $100 (using the above example).

#3 Review all trade: Keep a trading journal.

Good consistent trader always keeps a trading journal. Winning trades and losing trades are review consistently for flaws and good trigger setup. As all trades are executed using setup triggers, always have a habit of trying out different variation of the setup trigger. Example could be Simple moving average, you may find at period of 20 SMA cross over 50 SMA at 1 hour trading chart, always give you an accurate signal to execute a buy trade for EURUSD during early morning hours, and over 10 trades, you hit 7 winning trades. You can apply this together with another set of trigger rules to make your winning rates higher and consistent.

There are many indicatora which can assist in getting better trading results. Please visit my website for more information. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Discover How to Use Crosses to Trade the Majors

As much as the introduction of cross currency pairs has led to more trade opportunities in the foreign exchange market, trading them may be a daunting task to average traders. Crosses normally experience lower trading volume as compared with the major currency pairs and thus liquidity may be a problem when trading them. In addition, since the cross currency pairs represent countries with smaller economies, the volatility experienced by their prices would also be minimal.

 As such, it is better to analyze crosses to trade the majors. Even if you are not willing to trade crosses, you can study their price movements with the intention of identifying potential trade opportunities in the major currency pairs. Crosses provide an idea of the relative strength of a particular currency pair in the foreign exchange market.

 For instance, if you identify a buy opportunity on the EUR/USD and a sell opportunity on the USD/JPY at the same time, you may have problems choosing the one to go for. Some traders experienced in multiple position trading may go for both opportunities. However, it is recommended to choose one which offers the highest profit potential.

In order to make the correct decision on which currency to go for, you would look at the price action on EUR/JPY cross. If the trend of the EUR/JPY is going down, then it implies that the Japanese yen is somewhat stronger than the euro at the moment. Therefore, you would go for the sell opportunity on the USD/JPY rather than the buy opportunity on the EUR/USD because of yen's relative strength against the euro.

Because the euro is weaker as compared to the yen at the moment, if it starts to strengthen against the United States dollar, it is expected to strengthen less than the yen. Therefore, if the United States dollar becomes weak across the board, then you can harvest more profits from a short position in the USD/JPY than a long position in the EUR/USD.

If you are not very confident as to which currency pairs you should be trading, you can look at the crosses to help you in making the right decision. After you are able to master how crosses perform in the market, you can have an edge in your trading. You can easily identify profitable trade opportunities, regardless of the pair. Specifically, you can analyze crosses to identify good trade opportunities in the majors. Posted by Forex articles and reviews online.